What our customers say about us

Here's what people are saying about Canuck Towing.

"Extremely fast and professional service for the reasonable price! Thank you, guys!"

"We have been using Canuck since 1999, always honest, always gets the job done, no matter the weather, never had any worries. The biggest advantage Canuck has over everyone else, is that everyone on the Canuck team, cares about getting the job done right !.
Daniel Nowik
Brie-Bron Holdings, Inc!"

"Easy to work with. Always have everything ready if they know you're coming. Makes pickups and drops quick and easy.!"

Contact Information

Canuck Towing & Services LTD
310 Stanley St

New Westminster, BC

V3M 5H2

Phone: (604) 220-4774(604) 220-4774

Email: dispatch@canucktowing.com

Canuck Towings Google+ Page




February 2014
Canuck Towing Newsletter
Canuck Towing February 2014.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [689.8 KB]

Canuck Towing Hours:

Monday to Friday

8:30 am to 6:00 pm



Closed Saturdays & Sundays


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Canuck Towing Website Created by Scotty "Brett" Barber.

Email Scotty - scotty@canucktowing.com

