Canuck Towing & Services LTD

You can count on Canuck Towing. We are your partner for all your transportation and shipping needs. We will provide professionalism from our experienced staff before providing your shipping an estimate. We're not satisfied unless you're satisfied!

Canuck Towing offers superior services at reasonable rates. Estimates are always provided in advance.

At Canuck Towing we specialize in Vehicle import and export. Cross border information is available from our knowledgeable cross border dispatch team.

Canuck Towing has Been servicing Vancouver for 18 years with a different but effective service. We provide total prices to our customers right off the bat. You will not receive a quote for hook plus KM's plus this plus that. Tell us what you want moved, where from, and where to and we will provide you with the total amount it will cost you to move your vehicle. It's that easy.

Team Canuck

Roy Cabrita- Captain Canuck

Canuck Driver # 50

Phone: 604-908-3755


Captain Canuck does it all! He's the whole reason there is a canuck towing. Great guy to work for and awesome friend to all!

Ram Sharma - Shrimp Biscuit

Canuck Driver # 5

Phone: 604-220-8858


Canuck Towings ICBC Salvage Relocator. One of the Shortest fellas at Canuck. Ram makes up for his size with his big heart.


Charlie - Always brings a smile

Canuck Driver # 9

Very much a veteran at Canuck and brings tons of knowledge and expertise to the table with years of towing experience under his belt. You wont have to look very far though to see that lovable smile pop out from behind the professional face he wears around the yard!

Contact Information

Canuck Towing & Services LTD
310 Stanley St

New Westminster, BC

V3M 5H2

Phone: (604) 220-4774(604) 220-4774


Canuck Towings Google+ Page




February 2014
Canuck Towing Newsletter
Canuck Towing February 2014.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [689.8 KB]

Canuck Towing Hours:

Monday to Friday

8:30 am to 6:00 pm



Closed Saturdays & Sundays


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Canuck Towing Website Created by Scotty "Brett" Barber.

Email Scotty -

